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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Choosing the Model Submarine to Build For Your Collection (rc submarine)

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If you are a history buff and love submarines, then you should try your hand at putting together a submarine model. How are submarines different from boats? Submarines are warships that can stay under the water for any length of time. They generally move without making any motion. They often have a vast array of weapons aboard such as missiles, mines, torpedoes, etc. They are usually made up of high quality steel. Boats are generally smaller, do not go underwater and generally do not have high tech weaponry.

Now that you know what a submarine looks like, it's time to find a model of one you can put together and show off. What are the types of model submarines? Actually, there are all kinds of submarines. You can choose a Russian made submarine to build or an American made one. You could even build a submarine that's been documented in classic books and movies. Whatever you decide to buy and create will depend on your taste of submarines.

For instance, if you like the Nautilus submarine you saw in the movie "League of Extraordinary Gentleman" or "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", you can build a replica for yourself to display in your home. Why should you not have a submarine you grew up reading about in a classic book? However, be prepared to shell out some money. The Nautilus kit costs around $500. The Nautilus kit comes with all the parts you need. The only things you supply are the tools.

rc submarine

by: Victor_Epand

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